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2012年中学英语教师招考专业知识复习指导(5)  来源:  作者:  2012-08-06  字体:  



  在英语中,有一类词是汉语中没有的,那就是冠词。冠词常位于名词之前,用来修饰名词并帮助说明名词的含义。冠词是一种虚词,不能单独使用,必须与名词连用,置于名词之前。冠词分为不定冠词(a, an)与冠词(the)两种。





  2、在月份、星期及morning, afternoon, evening, night, day等名词前有修饰词时,一律用a。

  Smith arrived in Beijing on a rainy day. 史密斯在一个下雨天到达了北京。

  He died in a cold February. 他死于寒冷的二月。


  如:an apple, an hour, an honest boy, an English car.

  注意: a useful dictionary





  The sun rose at six o'clock. 太阳在六点升起。


  There is a cow under the tree. The cow is yellow.树下有一头牛,牛是黄色的。


  This is the book you wanted. 这就是你要的那本书。


  The horse is an animal.马是动物。


  如:the first, the best , in the south等


  如:The Browns are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer.




  1. Does Mr. Brown like Chinese .

  A. food B. foods C. any food D. some food

  2. There a dictionary and two notebooks on the desk.

  A. is B. are C. has D. have

  3. The old man has two .

  A. son-in-law B. sons-in-law

  C. son-in-laws D. sons-in-laws

  4. We should keep clean.

  A. toothes B. tooths C. our tooths D. our teeth

  5. Lucy has been to many times this year.

  A. his uncle B. his uncles C. uncle’s D. her uncle’s

  6. didn’t visit the farm.

  A. One of the boy B. One of the boys

  C. One of boy D. One of boys

  7. No news good news.

  A. is B. seems C. are D. has

  8. This is table.

  A. his teacher’s Mary’s B. his teacher, Mary’s

  C. his teacher’s Mary D. his teacher, Mary

  9. After climbing 2 hours, we had rest.

  A. a few minute’s B. few minutes

  C. a few minutes’ D. few minutes

  10. These are my ______ .

  A. box B. a box C. boxes D. the boxes


  1. My father did not want of the two shirts and asked to be shown .

  2. is Tom like? Oh, he’s short and fat.

  3. Her parents are workers.

  Her classmates are from peasants’ families.

  4. Mother told the boys,“Please help to some fruit.”

  5. All these are fine books. You can read of them.

  6. They are learning from .

  7. Lucy dances better than girl in the school.

  Jim jumps higher than boys in his class.

  8. He lent me a few books, but of them is easy enough for me.

  He lent me a few books, and of them are easy enough for me.


  ⒈ by train.

  ⒉ Huanghe River

  ⒊ for while

  ⒋ go out for walk

  ⒌ at foot of

  ⒍ half hour

  ⒎ Mr. Smith came here just now

  ⒏ There is old man in the village. Old man is seventy.

  ⒐ earth turns round sun.

  ⒑ We often have lunch at home.

  ⒒ I wish you happy life.

  ⒓ harder you study, better you get the marks.

  ⒔ man with book in his hand is our new class teacher.

  ⒕ It was raining again! What day!

  ⒖ Who is going to take place of Mr. Smith next term ?



  1 A 2A 3 B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C


  1. either, another

  2. what

  3. both; all

  4. yourselves

  5. any

  6. each other

  7. any other; any of the other

  8. none, all


  1. ×

  2. the

  3. a

  4. a

  5. the

  6. an

  7. A

  8. an, The

  9. The, the

  10. ×

  11. a

  12. The, the

  13. The, a

  14. a

  15. the




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